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Sub-base Tanks

Pryco's Sub-base Tanks are designed specifically for generator set mounting.  The physical size of each depends upon the foot print of the gen set and required capacity.  Sub-base Tanks are available in a Basic or a Custom design:  

Basic Sub-base tanks will always have a closed-top, double wall Secondary Containment area.   This group of tanks may be U/L Listed if it constructed within the U/L Listing requirements of U/L Label #142, File #MH17469.  A Basic sub-base tank may be fitted with any options except a 200% rupture basin or any option that would violate the provisions of the U/L label cite above.

Custom Sub-base tanks may be of single-wall construction or be designed with a Secondary Containment area (an open-top Rupture Basin or a  Double Wall).  These tanks may also be U/L Listed as above if the design fits within the U/L Label provisions.  A Custom sub-base tank may be fitted with any options including a 200% rupture basin except any that would violate the provisions of its U/L label.

All sub-base tanks comply with NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code and NFPA 110, Standard or Emergency and Standby Power Systems.  When the secondary
container double wall  is added, the tank also complies with NFPA 37 - Standard for Installation and Use of Stationary Combustible Engine and Gas Turbine.  Since Sub-base tanks differ depending upon factors such as gen-set model, capacity (number of gallons), and any physical limitation you might have.


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