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Sub-base TanksPryco's Sub-base Tanks are designed specifically for generator set mounting. The physical size of each depends upon the foot print of the gen set and required capacity. Sub-base Tanks are available in a Basic or a Custom design: Basic Sub-base tanks will always have a closed-top, double wall Secondary Containment area. This group of tanks may be U/L Listed if it constructed within the U/L Listing requirements of U/L Label #142, File #MH17469. A Basic sub-base tank may be fitted with any options except a 200% rupture basin or any option that would violate the provisions of the U/L label cite above. Custom Sub-base tanks may be of single-wall construction or be designed with a Secondary Containment area (an open-top Rupture Basin or a Double Wall). These tanks may also be U/L Listed as above if the design fits within the U/L Label provisions. A Custom sub-base tank may be fitted with any options including a 200% rupture basin except any that would violate the provisions of its U/L label. All sub-base tanks comply with NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code and NFPA 110, Standard or Emergency and Standby Power Systems. When the secondary |